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Commodore 1571 firmware
Motor and stepper control

	.subttl 'lccend.src'
;   motor and stepper control
;   irq into controller every  8.224 ms
        lda  t1hl2      ; set irq timer
        sta  t1hc2       
        lda  dskcnt      
        and  #$10       ;  test write proctect
        cmp  lwpt        
        sta  lwpt       ;  change ?


	jmp  ptch21	;  do auto on code *** rom ds 85 ***
	nop		;  fill
	nop		;  fill
	nop		;  fill
;       beq  end002     ;  no

;       lda  #1         ;  yes, set flag
;       sta  wpsw        

rtch21			; return


end002  lda  phase      ;  test for phase offset
        beq  end40       
        cmp  #2          
        bne  end003      
        lda  #0         ; phase <-- 0
        sta  phase       
        beq  end40       
end003  sta  steps       
        lda  #2         ; phase <-- 2
        sta  phase       
        jmp  dostep      
end40   ldx  cdrive     ;  work on active drive only
        bmi  end33x     ;  no active drive
        lda  drvst      ;  test if motor on
        cmp  #$20       ;  test if anything to do
        bne  end10      ;  something here
end33x  jmp  end33      ;  motor just running
end10   dec  acltim     ;  dec timer
        bne  end30       
        tya     	;  test if acel
        bpl  end20       
        and  #$7f       ;  over, clear acel bit
        sta  drvst       
end20   and  #$10       ;  test if time out state
        beq  end30       

	dec  acltim2	;  timer2 *rom-05ds 85*
	bne  end30
	nop		;  fill
	jsr  motoff	;  off the motor, ok...
;       lda  dskcnt     ;        
;	and  #$ff-$04   ;  turnoff motor
;       sta  dskcnt      
        lda  #$ff       ;  no active drive now
        sta  cdrive      
        lda  #0         ;  drive inactive
        sta  drvst      ;  clear on bit and timout
        beq  end33x      
end30   tya     	;  test if step needed
        and  #$40        
        bne  end30x     ;  stepping
        jmp  end33       
end30x  jmp  (nxtst)    ; goto proper stepper state
inact   lda  steps      ;  get abs(steps)
        bpl  inac10      
        eor  #$ff        
        adc  #1          
inac10  cmp  minstp     ;  test if we can accel
        bcs  inac20     ;  too small
        lda  #<short    ; short step mode
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>short     
        sta  nxtst+1     
        bne  dostep      
inac20          	;  calc the # of run steps
        sbc  as          
        sbc  as          
        sta  rsteps      
        lda  as          
        sta  aclstp     ;  set  # of accel steps
        lda  #<ssacl     
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>ssacl
        sta  nxtst+1     
dostep  lda  steps       
        bpl  stpin       
;---------rom05-bc 84--------
;stpout inc steps
;	ldx dskcnt
;	dex
;	jmp stp

stpout  jmp  patch9     ; check track 0 (photo sensor)
        nop     	; 
        nop     	; 
        nop     	; 
pppppp  jmp  stp        ; goto step
short   lda  steps      ; step end ?
        bne  dostep     ; no
        lda  #<setle    ; settle
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>setle     
        sta  nxtst+1     
        lda  #5         ;  settle time (5*8=40ms)
        sta  aclstp      
        jmp  end33       
setle   dec  aclstp     ;  settle end ?
        bne  end33      ;  no
        lda  drvst       
        and  #$ff-$40    
        sta  drvst       
        lda  #<inact     
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>inact     
        sta  nxtst+1     
        jmp  end33       
stpin   dec  steps       
        ldx  dskcnt      
stp     txa      
        and  #3          
        sta  tmp         
        lda  dskcnt      
        and  #$ff-$03   ;  mask out old
        ora  tmp         
        sta  dskcnt      
        jmp  end33       
ssacl           	;  sub acel factor
        lda  t1hl2       
        sbc  af          
        sta  t1hc2       
        dec  aclstp      
        bne  ssa10       
        lda  as          
        sta  aclstp      
        lda  #<ssrun     
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>ssrun     
        sta  nxtst+1     
ssa10   jmp  dostep      
ssrun   dec  rsteps      
        bne  ssa10       
        lda  #<ssdec     
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>ssdec     
        sta  nxtst+1     
        bne  ssa10       
ssdec           	;  decel
        lda  t1hl2       
        adc  af          
        sta  t1hc2       
        dec  aclstp      
        bne  ssa10       
        lda  #<setle    ;  goto settle mode
        sta  nxtst       
        lda  #>setle     
        sta  nxtst+1     
        lda  #5          
        sta  aclstp     ;  settle timer
end33   lda  pcr2       ;  disable s.o. to 6502
        and  #$ff-$02    
        sta  pcr2        

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated September 05, 2020.