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The <SHIFT> <RETURN> will work in the LISTing as well as PRINTing, so editing will be almost impossible if this character is used. The LISTing will also look very strange.


TYPE: I/O Statement
FORMAT: PRINT#<file-number>[<variable>][<,/;><variable>]...

Actions: The PRINT# statement is used to write data items to a logical file. It must use the same number used to OPEN the file. Output goes to the device-number used in the OPEN statement. The <variable> expressions in the output-list can be of any type. The punctuation characters between items are the same as with the PRINT statement and they can be used in the same ways. The effects of punctuation are different in two significant respects.

When PRINT# is used with tape files, the comma, instead of spacing by print zones, has the same effect as a semicolon. Therefore, whether blanks, commas, semicolons or no punctuation characters are used between data items, the effect on spacing is the same. The data items are written as a continuous stream of characters. Numeric items are followed by a space and, if positive, are preceded by a space.

If no punctuation finishes the list, a carriage-return and a line-feed are written at the end of the data. If a comma or semicolon terminates the output-list, the carriage-return and line-feed are suppressed. Regardless of the punctuation, the next PRINT# statement begins output in the next available character position. The line-feed will act as a stop when using the INPUT# statement, leaving an empty variable when the next INPUT# is executed. The line-feed can be suppressed or compensated for as shown in the examples below.

The easiest way to write more than one variable to a file on tape or disk is to set a string variable to CHR$(13), and use that string in between all the other variables when writing the file.

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated November 14, 1998.