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Line(s) Description
510 Set Attack/Decay for voice 2 (A=5, D=5).
Set Sustain/Release for voice 2 (S=8, R=5).
520 Set Attack/Decay for voice 3 (A=O, D=10).
Set Sustain/Release for voice 3 (S=12, R=5).
530 Set volume 15, low-pass filtering.
540 Start loop for every 1/16th of a measure.
550 POKE low frequency from activity array for all voices.
560 POKE high frequency from activity array for all voices.
570 POKE waveform control from activity array for all voices.
580 Timing loop for 1/16th of a measure and back for next 1/16th measure.
590 Pause, then turn off volume.
600-620 Base frequency data.
1000-1999 Voice 1 data.
2000-2999 Voice 2 data.
3000-3999 Voice 3 data.

The values used in the data statements were found by using the note table in Appendix E and the chart below:

1/16 128
1/8 256
DOTTED 1/8 384
1/4 512
1/4+1/16 640
DOTTED 1/4 768
1/2 1024
1/2+1/16 1152
1/2+1/8 1280
DOTTED 1/2 1536
WHOLE 2048

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated February 10, 2002.