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Basic ROM functions

Address Label Intial value Description
0000-0001HD.START Basic function: Initializes system
0002-0003CONSI C390FF Basic function: Reads a character from a keyboard (GET)
0005-0006CONREAD Basic function: Reads a CR terminated line from a keyboard (INPUT LINE)
0008-0009BRKPNT C39AFF Reserved for assembler trace (jump to address FF9Ah)
000B-0001CONWRITE Basic function: Prints a CR terminated string to screen (it can contain escape sequences)
0010-0001RST.ERR Basic function: Prints a Basic error message
0012-0001SOFTNOCO Basic function: Prints a Basic error message
0018-0001SKIPSP Basic function: Read characters and ignore blanks.
001B-0001STRCOMP Basic function: Read characters.
001D-0001TYPCOMP Basic function: Read characters with echo.
0020-0001EVALU Basic function:
0023-0001LEXSCAN Basic function:
0028-0001RST28 Basic function:
002B-0001CHKLU Basic function: Test if file is open
0030-0001RST30 C39DFF Direct jump to FF9Dh
0033-0001SOFTCONT Basic function: RESUME
0036-0001NOTYET Basic function: Generate error 200
0028-0001RST38 C3A0FF Direct jump to FFA0h
003B-0001HLBOFA Basic function: Load value of BOFA to HL register
003F-0001XBOFA Basic function: Load value of BOFA to IX register
0044-0001HLPROG Basic function: Load value of BOFA+20 to HL register
0051-0001HLBUF1 Basic function: Load HL register with address of input buffer
005A-0001IO Basic function: Calls driver routine that is defined in IX block (LU-block)
005D-0001OPNCMD Basic function: Open a file
0060-0001OPNX Basic function: Open a file without formatting the name
0063-0001UNPFD Basic function: Control and formatting of filename
0066-0001NMI C38AFF Basic function: Non-maskable interrupt from ABC-BUS
0069-0001USEUTLU Basic function: Closes a file (temperature LU block at address FF63h)
006C-0001ALLOZMEM Basic function: Allocates memory from HEAP during runtime

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated September 05, 2020.