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About this site

This particular site have existed in the Internet since January 1997 or so. In the very beginning it was hosted by Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, nowadays South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, XAMK. Pretty soon after that the site was moved to a delicated server in the campus network. It all started with a little Osborne 486 box with a whopping 8 MB of RAM.

After one minor Slashdotting incident in 1999 the server was moved away from the campus network to a private line. Hardware was upgraded to Unisys' 486 with 24 MB of RAM. After the move, the site has been hanging behind cable modems and ADSL lines until 2006, when the site was moved to a real server hardware with proper connectivity. At around the time of move out of the campus, the server operating system was upgraded from Red Hat Linux to OpenBSD and with the latest move to virtual hosting it was changed to FreeBSD.

In the beginning the site has been developed on OS/2 Warp workstation, running support systems like Apache, PHP and sometimes even MySQL. Currently development of these kludgy, poorly-written and painful LAMP pages happens with a Linux virtual machine on a Mac host.

While a lot has changed over the years, the old stuff remains the same - so enjoy the nostalgia!

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated September 04, 2020.