********* Welcome to Project 64! The goal of Project 64 is to preserve Commodore 64 related documents in electronic text format that might otherwise cease to exist with the rapid advancement of computer technology and declining interest in 8- bit computers on the part of the general population. If you would like to help by converting C64 related hardcopy documents to electronic texts please contact the manager of Project 64, Cris Berneburg, at 74171.2136@compuserve.com. Extensive efforts were made to preserve the contents of the original document. However, certain portions, such as diagrams, program listings, and indexes may have been either altered or sacrificed due to the limitations of plain vanilla text. Diagrams may have been eliminated where ASCII-art was not feasible. Program listings may be missing display codes where substitutions were not possible. Tables of contents and indexes may have been changed from page number references to section number references. Please accept our apologies for these limitations, alterations, and possible omissions. Document names are limited to the 8.3 file convention of DOS. The first characters of the file name are an abbreviation of the original document name. The version number of the etext follows next. After that a letter may appear to indicate the particular source of the document. Finally, the document is given a .TXT extension. The author(s) of the original document and members of Project 64 make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. This etext is provided "as-is". Please refer to the warantee of the original document, if any, that may included in this etext. No other warantees, express or implied, are made to you as to the etext or any medium it may be on. Neither the author(s) nor the members of Project 64 will assume liability for damages either from the direct or indirect use of this etext or from the distribution of or modification to this etext. Therefore if you read this document or use the information herein you do so at your own risk. ********* The Project 64 etext of the Chessmaster 2100 manual. Converted to etext by Alex J. Slater . CM210010.TXT, December 1996, etext #142. ********* How to Use --THE FIDELITY-- CHESSMASTER 2100 on your C64/128 computer RUNNING THE PROGRAM: ==================== 1. Turn your computer and the first disk drive on. (C128 users make sure the computer is in C64 mode). 2. Place The Chessmaster diskette into the drive. 3. If you plan to use a joystick, make sure it is plugged into Joystick Port #2. 4. Type LOAD"CM2100",8,1 followed by [RETURN]. 5. Press [RUN/STOP] at any time to pause the game in progress. 6. The Library of Classic Games is on Side B of The Chessmaster diskette. 7. If you do not have a joystick, the arrow keys to the right of the spacebar can be used (together with the Shift key) to move the on-screen cursor. HOW TO USE THE FIDELITY CHESSIMASTER 2100 ========================================= All the features of Chessmaster 2100 pop up in menu windows. Activate the menus by moving the on-screen cursor (shaped like an open hand) off the chessboard. Note that once the cursor is outside the chessboard area, it turns into a "pointing" hand. Press the joystick button or [RETURN] to bring up the Main Menu. As you move the pointing hand over the menu items, they will highlight. Once the desired item is highlighted, press the joystick button (or [RETURN]) to select that feature. DIRECT ACCESS TO FEATURES ========================= In the Main Menu, sub-menu choices have a function key name at the end of their menu line. By pressing these function keys you may bring up the specific submenu of your choice without going through the Main Menu. Some items listed in the menus are marked "Ctrl" at the end of their menu line. This is a "Shortcut Key" which may be entered to perform the function when the menu is not displayed. Enter this by holding the [Ctrl] key down (like a shift key) and then pressing the appropriate letter key. TAKING DOWN MENUS ================= To take down menus, press the joystick button (or [RETURN]) when no item in the menu is highlighted, or press [RUN/STOP]. TO MOVE A PIECE =============== To move the chess pieces, use the joystick (or the cursor keys) to place the hand pointer over the desired chess piece. Press the joystick button (or [RETURN]) to pick up the piece. Move the piece to the desired square and press the joystick button (or [RETURN]) to drop the piece. You may use the keyboard to input moves by typing the co-ordinates of the starting and ending squares for the piece you wish to move (e.g. "e2e4"). CASTLING ======== When legal, Castle by moving the King two squares towards the Rook. The Rook will move into place automatically. EN PASSANT ========== When legal, capture an opposing pawn "in passing" by moving your pawn ahead and diagonally behind it. PAWN PROIMOTION =============== If you move a pawn to the first or the eighth rank, The Chessmaster 2100 will let you promote your pawn to a Queen, Rook, Bishop or a Knight. Make your choice from the promotion menu to continue play. Consult The Chessmaster 2100 manual for general information about Castling, En Passant and Promoting. THE FEATURES ============ The Main Menu is always available by pressing the "F1" Key. Context - sensitive help can be obtained by pressing "?" at any time. The remaining features can be obtained by pressing the following function keys. PLAYING THE GAME (Press F2) =========================== . . Begin New Game (Press Ctrl-N) Starts a new game. . Opponent is CM2100/Autoplay/ . Human . Select your opponent as: . The Chessmaster 2100. . Autoplay (Chessmaster 2100 plays itself. ) . Human (Chessmaster 2100 referees the game.) . Level of Play is . N: x moves in y min. This feature allows you to choose the amount of time The Chessmaster spends thinking about each move. The more time The Chessmaster has to think about its move, the stronger its play. The Chessmaster 2100 has 14 levels of play, numbered 1 through 14. Level 1 is the easiest. See also User Defined Levels, Newcomer Style and Easy Mode. . Easy Mode is Off/On This feature turns on or off The Chessmaster's ability to "think ahead" while it waits for you to make a move. With Easy Mode On, The Chessmaster plays an easier game. . Newcomer Style is Off/On (7 levels) When Newcomer Style is On, The Chessmaster 2100 plays its easiest game. There are seven newcomer levels. Level 1 is the easiest. . Style of Play is Best Move/Coffeehouse When "Best Move" is selected, The Chessmaster 2100 will always play its best move. Choosing "Coffeehouse" style allows The Chessmaster to play other moves, for a more varied game. . The Opening Book is On/Off Turning the opening book On allows The Chessmaster 2100 to consult its extensive library of proven opening moves and tactics. . Change Sides (Press Ctrl-S) Change colours with your opponent. You may change sides with The Chessmaster 2100 whenever it is your turn to move. . Force The Chessmaster to Now (Press Ctrl-F1) When it is The Chessmaster's turn to move, you may force it to move immediately by selecting this item. This feature is particularly useful when you have selected Level 14 (infinite) when The Chessmaster will not move until forced to do so. . Takeback/Replav Mode (Press Ctrl-T) . Takeback (Press Ctrl-T) Takes back the last move made by you or your opponent. Note that you may enter takeback/replay mode when it's your turn to move. . Replay (Press Ctrl-R) If moves have been taken back, they may be replayed one at a time by selecting this item. . Resume Game Exit takeback/replay mode. The Chessmaster 2100 will remind you of the colour that is to move next. . Takeback all Moves This will take back all the moves. . Animated Replay Replay all moves which have been taken back. THE CHESSBOARD (Press F3) ========================= . The Board Design is 2D/3D/War Room Switch between a flat, two-dimensional board and a 3-D "perspective" view of the board, or play in the War Room where a wealth of information is displayed along with the chessboard. . The Board Co-ordinates are On/Off Switch the alpha-numeric border display on or off. . Rotate the Board 90 degrees. Rotate the board 90 degrees clockwise. . Rotate the Board 180 degrees Rotate the board 180 degrees clockwise. . The Chess Clocks are On/Off Switch the clock display on or off. OTHER FEATURES (Press F4) ========================= . Display Captured Pieces See whether you have a material advantage over your opponent by choosing this feature. . Show The Chessmaster's Thinking View The Chessmaster's thinking process. The "Best" line of play is the best series of moves that The Chessmaster has come up with so far. If you force it to move at this point, The Chessmaster will make the first move in this line. The rest of the moves in the line are your expected reply, its answer to your reply, and so on. Of course, you might not make the expected reply, and even if you do, The Chessmaster might think of a better move in the meantime, so the further you go down the line, the less likely it is that those exact moves will actually be made. The "Hint" is the move that The Chessmaster is expecting you to play (your expected reply in the best line). The "Score" reflects how far The Chessmaster 2100 thinks it will be ahead (+) or behind (-) if the best line of play is played out to the last move shown. The score is computed in pawns and fractions of a pawn, so a score of 1.00 means The Chessmaster will be ahead by one pawn, and -3.00 means it will be behind by the equivalent of one piece. Fractional scores come from The Chessmaster's evaluation of positional considerations, e.g. how well it controls the centre of the board. The "Ply" number indicates how many half-moves (plies) ahead The Chessmaster has searched. A ply of 3, for example, means that it has examined its move and your reply and is now looking at its answer to that reply. When The Chessmaster has looked at all the moves in the current ply, it will start a new search one ply deeper if it thinks it has time to finish. . Get Advice from The Chessmaster (Press Ctrl-A) The Chessmaster will provide a hint for your next move. . List Moves so Far Displays a list of all moves made. Place the hand pointer over the onscreen up and down arrows and press the joystick button (or [RETURN])to move up and down. . Teaching Mode is Off/On When teaching is On and you select a piece to move, a shadow of that piece will appear on all squares to which it may legally move . (Not available in 3-D.) Teaching mode will have no effect if co-ordinate notation is used to enter the moves. . The Sound is Music/Bell/Silence Hear a different sound for a variety of situations, one sound for all situations, or no sound at all. . Enter Your Name Let The Chessmaster know who he's up against. . Enter Human Opponent's Name When playing against another human, this is the name that will appear on-screen next to their chess clock. THE GAMES ON DISK (Press F5) ============================ . Save Current Game to Disk If you would like save the game in progress, choose this item. . Load a Game From Disk Allows you to load a previously saved game or one of The Chessmaster's Classic Games. The Classic Games mentioned in The Chessmaster 2100 manual are stored on side B of The Chessmaster 2100 diskette as CLASSIC.001 through CLASSIC.110. These games begin at the initial game position. To see each move, press Ctrl-R (Replay) repeatedly. . Delete a Game From Disk Select to delete a saved game from disk. SOME EXTRAS (Press F6) ====================== . Solve For Mate Select this feature to solve chess problems in which Black or White is to move and checkmate his opponent in a certain number of moves. First use Setting Up the Board to set up the position from the chess problem. Next, use Mate in X moves to set the number of moves for The Chessmaster 2100 to find the mate. Finally select this menu item to start solving for mate. If a mate is found, you will be placed in takeback/replay mode to play out the mating line. . Mate in X Move(s) Choose how far ahead The Chessmaster 2100 will look for a mate. . Print all Moves Prints all moves so far in the current game. Make sure your printer is ready before selecting this feature. . User Defined Levels Create your own chess playing level for The Chessmaster, by specifying how many moves must be made in a given amount of time. SETTING UP THE BOARD (Press F7) =============================== In this mode, you can place pieces on the board in almost any position you want. To remove a piece from the board, pick up the piece and drop it off the board. To add a piece, pick up a piece from the piece window and place it on the board. You can't remove the Kings from the board, or place another piece on them. . Clear the Board (Press Ctrl-C) Clears the board of all pieces except the Kings. . Set Up Initial Position (Press Ctrl-I) Sets up the standard starting position for a new game. . The Side to Move First is ... After setting up the board, select this to choose which side will make the first move and resume play. . Leave and Abandon Changes Resumes play with the position in effect when you entered setup. QUIT (Press F8) =============== . Continue Play Resumes play of the game. . Leave The Chessmaster 2100 Exits the program. ============ HAVE FUN !!! ============ ********* End of the Project 64 etext of the Chessmaster 2100 manual. *********