00index.txt issue1.txt disC=overy, Issue 1, 1996-03-17 - Software - Explorations on IFLI - TRI-FLI: A new video mode 'abrewing? - Heaven in the net, an unedited excerpt of IRC on #c-64 - A complete dissection of Gfx-Zone - A Beginner's Guide to the JCH Editor V2.53, NewPlayer V14.G0 - An inside look at MODplay 128 - Some preliminary data on VDC timing - Software analysis and reconstructive therapy, a historical view on 'cracking' - A Quick Overview of CP/M - The BIOS-R62a/ZPM3/ZCCP Commodore 128 CP/M 3.0+ Upgrade Package and a bunch load of utilities! - Hardware - BEYOND STEREO - The POWER-SID Model 2400 : It May Not be THX but it's Taking the Commodore One Dimension Closer - The 8 bit Modplay 128 Board - Upgrading your C128's VDC memory to 64K issue2.txt disC=overy, Issue 2, 1996-10-01 - Software - Innovation in the 90s : The Super Hi-Res Flexible Line Interpretation Technique - Scrollies exposed : A look at simple scroll-text routines - The Raster StarterKit, A classic 'slice' of VIC-II code - Heaven in the net, an unedited excerpt of IRC on #c-64 - A demo of 'disC=overy', The exploration of rotation - SID Primer: The Working Man's Guide to SID - Progenitor of the SID : An interview with Bob Yannes - Z80, The basics of it - Hardware - Charger up! The VIC-20 to ATARI 2600 'Ram Cartridge' Programmer - The 8 bit Modplay 128 Board, a three-diode addition - The Virtual PLUS/4 : Upgrading your C16 to 64 Kilobytes! - Continued Lt. Kernal Hard Drive Support issue3.txt disC=overy, Issue 3, 1997-03-26 - Software - Rommaging around : $A480-$A856 - A Closer Look at the VIC II's Output - Innovation in the 90s : Revisiting The Super Hi-Res Flexible Line Interpretation Technique - Defeating Digital Corrosion (AKA "Cracking") - A beginner's guide to software archiving - A possibility to be explored : Real Time Video with the Ram Expansion Unit - A look into 'The Fridge' - C128 CP/M, trailblazer in a jungle of formats - Hardware - The X-10 Powerhouse, What is it? disc-sp1.txt disC=overy, Special Edition 1, 1997-10-28 - Software - The Collected Works of John Kaiser