00index.txt 1526.zip Source code of the Commodore 1526 printer firmware. 1571.zip Source code of the Commodore 1571 disk drive firmware. 1581.zip Source code of the Commodore 1581 disk drive firmware. 4040.zip Source code of the Commodore 4040 dual disk drive DOS firmware. 8023P.zip Source code of the Commodore 8023 printer firmware. harddrives.zip Source code of the Commodore hard disks for PET-series. pet_8x96_add-on-loader.src Source code of the add-on-loader of the PET 8x96. pet_8x96_add-on-mon.src Source code of the add-on-monitor of the PET 8x96. pet_8x96_expanded-basic.src Source code of the BASIC expansion of the PET 8x96. ramdos.zip Source code of the RAMDOS, the RAM-disk utility for REU. serlib.zip Source code of the Commodore 1581 disk drive firmware, first revision. Dated 20-03-1987, ROM part #318045-01.