1 REM Ins{nd av 7390 Ny Medlem <7390> 1987-11-01 03.28.14 (SEND) 1000 ! Ins{nd av <7390> Lars B. Cid 871030 01.15 1010 ! 1020 ! ===== RUNPROT 800 K|rskydd f|r kompilerade BASIC-program 1030 ! ===== 1040 ! ===== 1985-04-11 1050 ! ===== 1060 ! ===== Copyright Lars-B|rje Cid 1985 1070 ! ===== 1080 ! 1090 ! Programmet (som inte har s} stor nytta, men kanske {r intressant) 1100 ! hindrar exekveringen av en .BAC fil, genom att markera 1110 ! Minnet fullt vid inladdning. 1120 ! 1125 FLOAT : EXTEND 1130 ; CUR(23%,0%) 1140 ; '** Run protection utility **' 1150 ; ' Ver. 1.0 1985-04-11' 1160 ; ' Copyright 1985 Lars B. Cid' 1170 ; 1180 ON ERROR GOTO 1470 1190 F$=CHR$(13%,10%)+'Program terminated.' 1200 INPUT 'File to protect/unprotect 'Pf$ 1210 ! 1220 F$='File not found.' 1230 IF INSTR(1%,Pf$,'.')=0% Pf$=Pf$+'.BAC' 1240 ! 1250 OPEN Pf$ AS FILE 1% 1260 ! 1270 F$='Illegal binary version.' 1280 GET #1% Desc$ COUNT 20% 1290 Vers%=ASCII(Desc$) 1300 IF Vers%<>143% AND Vers%<>144% ; VAL('') ! Eliminerar GOTO 1310 ! 1320 ! Size. - Programmets storlek 1330 ! Betr{ffande pos i filen se BIT F\R BIT 1340 ! 1350 Size=CVT$%(MID$(Desc$,5%,2%)) 1360 ! 1370 ! Om Size. > 32768 luras datorn vid inladdning, tro att 1380 ! . minnet {r fullt 1390 ! 1400 IF Size>32768 Size=Size-32768 ELSE Size=Size+32768 1410 MID$(Desc$,5%,2%)=CVT%$(Size) 1420 POSIT #1%,0% 1430 PUT #1% Desc$ 1440 F$='File is now unprotected.' 1450 IF Size>32768 F$='File is now protected.' 1460 ! 1470 ; F$ 1480 END