10 REM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11 REM ! PROGRAM...... PENTA 12 REM ! VER 3.92 82-12-25 13 REM ! av (C) PER JEMT] med hj{lp av 14 REM ! Hans Holmberg. 15 REM ! Minne 16 Kbytes och pokearea. 16 REM ! ------------------------------ 17 REM ! Copyright : 18 REM ! Sundsvalls program center. 19 REM ! ------------------------------ 20 REM ! Tangenter, A,S,^,[,RETURN 21 REM ! PENTA alias PENGO in age. 22 REM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 23 ; CHR$(12%)"- Loading game. -"CUR(23%,7%)'" SPC CORPORATIONS 1983 "'CUR(0%,34%)"H&P'83" 24 ; CUR(5%,10%)" HOW TO PLAY PENTA:" : ; TAB(9%)CHR$(23%)"####################" 25 ; " Your position controls with: ^" : ; TAB(32%)"A S [" 26 ; : ; " Your problem is to line up the" : ; " diamonds and avoid the SNOWBEE." 27 ; " The flashing thing at the top" : ; " of the screen is your match." 28 ; " To move a block: PRESS on block" : ; " and push RETURN." 29 ; CUR(17%,12%)"GOOD LUCK!" 30 REM  Mkod f|r sk{rm koll 31 POKE -6%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0% 32 POKE -28%,33%,0%,124%,126%,214%,128%,119%,124%,254%,128%,200%,35%,195%,231%,255% 33 POKE -128,33%,0%,124%,126%,71%,254%,19%,202%,142%,255%,62%,159%,144%,119%,35%,124%,254%,128%,200%,195%,131%,255 34 POKE -78%,33%,116%,3%,122%,135%,87%,213%,90%,22%,0%,25%,94%,35%,86%,98% 35 POKE -63%,107%,209%,22%,0%,25%,201%,33%,0%,0%,111%,201% 36 CHAIN "Penta.con"