converted to binary format, the range allowed yields 16 bits for each number. Corresponding bits are ANDed together, forming a 16-bit result in the same range.
EXAMPLES of 16-Bit AND Operation:17 AND 194 -------- 0000000000010001 AND 0000000011000010 -------------------------- (BINARY) 0000000000000000 -------------------------- (DECIMAL) 0 32007 AND 28761 ---------- 0111110100000111 AND 0111000001011001 -------------------------- (BINARY) 0111000000000001 -------------------------- (DECIMAL) 28673 -241 AND 15359 ---------- 1111111100001111 AND 0011101111111111 -------------------------- (BINARY) 0011101100001111 -------------------------- (DECIMAL) 15119
This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen. | |
Read the small print. | Last updated November 07, 1998. |