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A sprite is turned off by setting its bit in the VIC-II control register at 53269 ($D015 in HEX) to a 0. The following POKE will do this:

   POKE 53269,PEEK(53269)AND(255-2^SN)
where SN is the sprite number from 0 to 7.


A sprite can be any of the 16 colors generated by the VIC-II chip. Each of the sprites has its own sprite color register. These are the memory locations of the color registers:

           ADDRESS         |          DESCRIPTION
       53287   ($D027)     |    SPRITE 0 COLOR REGISTER
       53288   ($D028)     |    SPRITE 1 COLOR REGISTER
       53289   ($D029)     |    SPRITE 2 COLOR REGISTER
       53290   ($D02A)     |    SPRITE 3 COLOR REGISTER
       53291   ($D02B)     |    SPRITE 4 COLOR REGISTER
       53292   ($D02C)     |    SPRITE 5 COLOR REGISTER
       53293   ($D02D)     |    SPRITE 6 COLOR REGISTER
       53294   ($D02E)     |    SPRITE 7 COLOR REGISTER

All dots in the sprite will be displayed in the color contained in the sprite color register. The rest of the sprite will be transparent, and will show whatever is behind the sprite.


Multi-color mode allows you to have up to 4 different colors in each sprite. However, just like other multi-color modes, horizontal resolution is cut in half. In other words, when you're working with sprite multi- color mode (like in multi-color character mode), instead of 24 dots across the sprite, there are 12 pairs of dots. Each pair of dots is called a BIT PAIR. Think of each bit pair (pair of dots) as a single dot in your overall sprite when it comes to choosing colors for the dots in your sprites. The table below gives you the bit pair values needed to

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated May 12, 2002.