When you've had a little more practice with making music, then you can get a little more involved, by using the PEEK function. PEEK is a function that is equal to the value currently in the indicated memory location.
The value of the variable X is set equal to the current contents of memory location MEM.
Of course, your programs include other BASIC commands, but for a full explanation of them, refer to the BASIC Statements section of this manual.
Let's jump right in and try a simple program using only one of the three voices. Computer ready? Type NEW, then type in this program, and save it on your Commodore DATASSETTETM or disk. Then, RUN it.
5 S=54272 10 FORL=STOS+24:POKEL,0:NEXT:REM CLEAR SOUND CHIP 20 POKES+5,9:POKES+6,0 30 POKES+24,15 :REM SET VOLUME TO MAXIMUM 40 READHF,LF,DR 50 IFHF<0THENEND 60 POKES+1,HF:POKES,LF 70 POKES+4,33 80 FORT=1TODR:NEXT 90 POKES+4,32:FORT=1TO50:NEXT 100 GOTO40 110 DATA25,177,250,28,214,250 120 DATA25,177,250,25,177,250 130 DATA25,177,125,28,214,125 140 DATA32,94,750,25,177,250 150 DATA28,214,250,19,63,250 160 DATA19,63,250,19,63,250 170 DATA21,154,63,24,63,63 180 DATA25,177,250,24,63,125 190 DATA19,63,250,-1,-1,-1
Here's a line-by-line description of the program you've just typed in. Refer to it whenever you feel the need to investigate parts of the program that you don't understand completely.
This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen. | |
Read the small print. | Last updated February 10, 2002. |