5 S=54272 10 FORL=STOS+24:POKEL,0:NEXT 20 POKES+5,88:POKES+6,195 30 POKES+24,15 40 READHF,LF,DR 50 IFHF<0THENEND 60 POKES+1,HF:POKES,LF 70 POKES+4,33 80 FORT=1TODR:NEXT 90 POKES+4,32:FORT=1TO50:NEXT 100 GOTO40 110 DATA25,177,250,28,214,250 120 DATA25,177,250,25,177,250 130 DATA25,177,125,28,214,125 140 DATA32,94,750,25,177,250 150 DATA28,214,250,19,63,250 160 DATA19,63,250,19,63,250 170 DATA21,154,63,24,63,63 180 DATA25,177,250,24,63,125 190 DATA19,63,250,-1,-1,-1
Registers 5 and 6 define the ADSR for voice 1. The ATTACK is the high nybble of register 5. Nybble is half a byte, in other words the lower 4 or higher 4 on/off locations (bits) in each register. DECAY is the low nybble. You can pick any number 0 through 15 for ATTACK, multiply it by 16 and add to any number 0 through 15 for DECAY. The values that correspond to these numbers are listed below.
SUSTAIN level is the high nybble of register 6. It can be 0 through 15. It defines the proportion of the peak volume that the SUSTAIN level will be. RELEASE rate is the low nybble of register 6.
This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen. | |
Read the small print. | Last updated February 10, 2002. |