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ACPTR $FFA5 65445 Input byte from serial port
CHKIN $FFC6 65478 Open channel for input
CHKOUT $FFC9 65481 Open channel for output
CHRIN $FFCF 65487 Input character from channel
CHROUT $FFD2 65490 Output character to channel
CIOUT $FFA8 65448 Output byte to serial port
CINT $FF81 65409 Initialize screen editor
CLALL $FFE7 65511 Close all channels and files
CLOSE $FFC3 65475 Close a specified logical file
CLRCHN $FFCC 65484 Close input and output channels
GETIN $FFE4 65508 Get character from keyboard queue (keyboard buffer)
IOBASE $FFF3 65523 Returns base address of I/O devices
IOINIT $FF84 65412 Initialize input/output
LISTEN $FFB1 65457 Command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
LOAD $FFD5 65493 Load RAM from a device
MEMBOT $FF9C 65436 Read/set the bottom of memory
MEMTOP $FF99 65433 Read/set the top of memory
OPEN $FFC0 65472 Open a logical file
PLOT $FFF0 65520 Read/set X,Y cursor position
RAMTAS $FF87 65415 Initialize RAM, allocate tape buffer, set screen $0400
RDTIM $FFDE 65502 Read real time clock
READST $FFB7 65463 Read I/O status word
RESTOR $FF8A 65418 Restore default I/O vectors
SAVE $FFD8 65496 Save RAM to device
SCNKEY $FF9F 65439 Scan keyboard
SCREEN $FFED 65517 Return X,Y organization of screen
SECOND $FF93 65427 Send secondary address after LISTEN
SETLFS $FFBA 65466 Set logical, first, and second addresses
SETMSG $FF90 65424 Control KERNAL messages
SETNAM $FFBD 65469 Set file name
SETTIM $FFDB 65499 Set real time clock
SETTMO $FFA2 65442 Set timeout on serial bus
STOP $FFE1 65505 Scan stop key
TALK $FFB4 65460 Command serial bus device to TALK
TKSA $FF96 65430 Send secondary address after TALK
UDTIM $FFEA 65514 Increment real time clock
UNLSN $FFAE 65454 Command serial bus to UNLISTEN
UNTLK $FFAB 65451 Command serial bus to UNTALK
VECTOR $FF8D 65421 Read/set vectored I/O

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated December 18, 2002.