Table of Contents
Foreground | |
A $19 Music Interface | 48 |
And Some Music Theory for Computer Nuts |
Bill Struve |
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: On a Test Equipment Diet? Try an 8 Channel DVM Coctail! | 76 |
Steve Ciarcia |
Using The Polymorphics Video Interface | 130 |
Wayne Wenzlaff |
Save Software: Use a UART For Serial IO | 164 |
Thomas McGahee |
Background | |
The Computers of Star Trek | 12 |
Kurt J. Schmucker, Robert M. Tarr |
A Floppy Disk Tutorial | 24 |
Ira Jay Rampil |
Jack and the Machine Debug | 91 |
..or Reading the Traces of the Wild Program |
Robert D. Grappel, Jack Hemenway |
Structured Programming with Warnier-Orr Diagrams, Part 1: Design Methodology | 104 |
David A. Higgins |
Simulation of Motion, Part 2: An Automobile Suspension | 112 |
Stephen P. Smith |
A Little Bit on Interrupts | 118 |
Robert R. Wier |
Multiprogramming Simplified | 140 |
Irwin Lahasky |
Where to Get Bargains in Used Computer Equipment | 154 |
Sol Libes |
A Look at LISP | 156 |
Gary McGath |
Relative Addressing for the 6800 | 162 |
James P. Gaskell |
A User's Report on the Intercept Jr | 186 |
Henry Lahore |
Nucleus | |
In This BYTE | 4 |
Editorial: Is PASCAL the Next BASIC? | 6 |
Carl Helmers |
Letters | 10 |
Technical Forum: Undocumented M6800 Instructions | 46 |
Gerry Wheeler |
Technical Forum: The XF and X7 Instructions of the MOS Technology 6502 | 72 |
H. T. Gordon |
PC 77 | 74 |
Chris Morgan |
Get Your System Together | 84 |
John G. Whitney |
Technical Forum: Comments on Paging Schemes | 143 |
James F. Gentry |
Book Reviews | 146 |
Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics |
Steven Fox |
Programming Quickies | 148 |
BYTE's Bits | 149 |
Tecnical Note: Selectric Interfacing Experiences
A Note on Selectric Itnerfacing: A Magnet Driver Circuit
Siggraph 1978 Call for Papers
Ambiguous BOMBacity
A Little Contest |
BYTE's Bugs | 151 |
A Small Hole in the APL: An APL Interpreter for Microcomputers, Part 3, BYTE October 1977 |
Clubs, Newsletters | 152 |
Diddle | 168 |
Stan Skoglund |
A Note to Novice Kit Builders... | 192 |
What's New? | 193, 196, 204 |
Program Development System (Zilog)
8085 Processor Card (Space Byte)
New Aid for Machine Language Hackers (Vamp Inc. BOPA)
Two Ways to Convert Your TC to a Monitor (Vamp Inc. RFVM-1 and ACVM-1)
Attention Homebrewers: Roll Your Own Case with This Package (Buckeye Stamping Company Flex-i-pak)
New Power Supplies (Standard Power Inc. SPS-D and SPS-T)
6800 System Analyzer (Telcon Industries Inc)
Furniture for the Micro Age (Computer Systems Design)
Hard Copy from Digital Panel Meters (Digital Laboratories Model DPT-415)
A Quick Way to Panel Mount LEDs (Visual Communications Company)
If It's a Long Way from Your Terminal to Your Computer... (Data Set Cable Company)
In Isolation, RS232 and 20 mA Get Along (Connecticut Microcomputer)
This Wire Wrapping Kit is OK (OK Machine and Tool Corporation Model WK-3B)
Give a Jewel (ATRA Star Jewel)
Improvements in Solderless Breadboarding (AP Products Unicard)
Calculators: Everyone Should Learn Programming, TI Calculates
An Exotic Way to Tell Time (Hewlett-Packard HP-01)
RCA's New COSMAC Manual
New Clock Chip for 6800 Systems (Motorola Linear Products MCS6512)
Improved Version of 2708 from Intel (2758)
Full ASCII Character Set in a Byte Sized Dot Matrix (Texas Instruments TMS4710)
An 8 by 8 multiply in 100 ns (Monolithic Memories MMI67558)
How ABout a 1 bit Microprocessor (Motorola Integrated Circuits MC14500B)
MCM's Desk Top APL Computer (MCM Computers Inc System 700, Model 782)
A Chess "Mate" from Chafitz
A Real Word Processor (Computer Power and Light Inc COMPAL-80)
COSMAC Based Microcomputer Kit (Child Odyssey Enterprises Inc)
ICS Microcomputer Trainer (Integrated Computer Systems Inc)
Pre-assembled Motorola MEK6800D2 (Audio Engineering)
Z-80 Based System Features Support Boards (Martin Research's Mike 8)
Video Board for 6800 Systems (F & D Associates)
New Enclosres and Card Extender (Vector Electronics Co Inc VP1 and VP2)
First of a Series of Music Boards (ALF Products Inc 10-5-9 and 10-5-10)
16 K of EPROM on One Board (IBEX)
4 K 1702A EPROM Board (Aptec Inc) |
Bit Status Display | 197 |
Greg Tomalesky |
Classfied Ads | 222 |
BOMB | 224 |
Reader Service | 224 |