Table of Contents
Features | |
The IBM Personal Computer: First Impressions | 26 |
The computer giant embraces software compatibility and support for independant peripheral manufacturers. |
Phil Lemmons |
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: Build an Intelligent EPROM Programmer | 36 |
With a Z8-BASIC Microcomputer, you can easily put together a versatile programmer for 2716 EPROMs. |
Steve Ciarcia |
Ultra-Low-Cost Network for Personal Computers | 50 |
The age of communication for personal computers has arrived: don't be left behind. |
Ken Clements, David Daugherty |
The Atari Tutorial, Part 2: Graphics Indirection | 70 |
Graphics indirection lets you quickly chnage the colors used in the video display and redefine Atari character set. |
Chris Crawford |
Local-Area Networks, Possibilities for Personal Computers | 92 |
The "one person, one computer" concept is improved with communications. |
Harry J. Saal |
Prepare Your Program for Publication | 114 |
A checklist of professional touches that can make software sell. |
C. A. Johnson |
Software Protection in the United Kingdom | 126 |
A London conference confronts the problem of software piracy. |
Martin Hayman |
Network Tools, Ideas for Intelligent Network Software | 140 |
A set of general modules provides a basis for networking. |
Peter B. Reintjes |
A Simple Implementation of Multitasking | 176 |
A little SLEEP can go a long way. |
Wendell Brown |
Tree Searching, Part 2: Heuristic Techniques | 195 |
Admissible algorithms allow you to find an optimal solution without an exhaustive search of the state-space tree. |
Gregg Williams |
Drawing with UCSD Pascal and the Hiplot Plotter | 214 |
Some UCSD plotting routines that can be linked to any Pascal program. |
James Stork |
Evaluate Your Home's Energy Efficiendy, Conserve Energy with Your Computer | 250 |
Use your computer to lower those budget-breaking heat bills. |
Kimball Beasley |
Bridging the 10-Percent Gap | 264 |
Software problems can hold back a small-business data-processing explosion. |
Paul T. Brady |
Graphics Fundamentals | 284 |
A company logo is the vechile for understanding windows and scaling. |
Kathleen Bresnahan Sandifur |
Build a Versatile Keyboard Interface for the S-100 | 400 |
A device that lets you communicate with your microcomputer. |
David R. Richards |
PERT Organization | 407 |
A mathematical method used by computer programmers todetermine the relative importance of the taks under their supervision. |
W. Douglas Maurer |
Should the DO Loop Become an Assembly-Language Construct? | 413 |
Innovative instructions can forestall the "software crisis". |
Glenn L. Williams |
Multiple Regression for the TRS-80 | 430 |
On converting the mathematics of linear regression into general-purpose BASIC program. |
Douglas William Madron |
Bits and Bytes in Pascal, and Other Binary Wonders | 448 |
Put UCSD Pascal through its paces to ease programming and have fun. |
David Casseres |
Apple Analog-to-Digital Conversion in 27 Microseconds | 458 |
Build this high-speed, 10-but analog-to-digital converter for your Apple for less than $100. |
Michael A. Seeds |
PS - A FORTH-Like Thread Language, Part 1 | 462 |
PS allows assembly-language code and high-level code to be mixed. |
Valo G. Motalygo |
Reviews | |
Atari's Telelink I | 86 |
Glen Flint |
Integral Data's Paper Tiger 460 | 378 |
Eliakim Willner |
The Mauro Proac Plotter | 383 |
Mark Dahmke |
The Radio Shack FORTRAN Package | 385 |
Tim Daneliuk |
Nucleus | |
Editorial: Local Networks Are Buzzing | 6 |
Chris Morgan |
Letters | 10 |
System Notes: List Pager | 122 |
Alan Lovett |
System Notes: Discover the Machine Beneath the Machine, A ZX80 Monitor Program | 278 |
R. Scott FitzGerald |
System Notes: A Closer Look ath the TRS-80 Color Computer | 334 |
Woody Baker |
System Notes: Two Short Graphics Programs for the OSI C-1P | 354 |
John F. Leahy |
System Notes: Recursive Procedures for the 6502 Microprocessor | 467 |
Phillip W. Dennis |
Software Received | 302 |
Books Received | 304 |
Sol Libes |
Ask BYTE | 316 |
Steve Ciarcia |
Event Queue | 323 |
Clubs and Newsletters | 332 |
BYTE's Bits | 332, 375 |
Industry's Eyes on New LISP Computes
Scholarship Competition Under Way
Literary Text Project |
Book Reviews | 342 |
Four Roads to Understanding Radio Shack's TRS-80
The BOOK: Accessing the TRS-80 ROM
Microsoft BASIC Decoded & Other Mysteries for the TRS-80 |
Yvon Kolya |
Programming Quickies | 356, 376, 419 |
Memory Manipulator, Eliminate Hex-a-Phobia
A Fast, Ancient Method for Multiplication
Apple Pascal Cross-Reference |
Techical Forum: Use a Relative Subroutine Call for Relocatable Z80 Programs | 366 |
George S. Losey |
Techical Forum: The Variable-Duty-Cycle Algorithm | 391 |
Timothy J. Stryker |
Techical Forum: Dynamic Simulation in BASIC | 394 |
S. J. Houng |
Languages Forum: BASIC, Pascal, or Tiny-c? | 372 |
A Simple Benchmarking Comparison. |
Phil Hughes |
What's New | 471 |
Unclassified Ads | 526 |
Reader Service | 527 |
BOMB, BOMB Results | 528 |