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Volume 6, issue 10 (October, 1981)

Table of Contents
The IBM Personal Computer: First Impressions26
The computer giant embraces software compatibility and support for independant peripheral manufacturers.
Phil Lemmons
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: Build an Intelligent EPROM Programmer36
With a Z8-BASIC Microcomputer, you can easily put together a versatile programmer for 2716 EPROMs.
Steve Ciarcia
Ultra-Low-Cost Network for Personal Computers50
The age of communication for personal computers has arrived: don't be left behind.
Ken Clements, David Daugherty
The Atari Tutorial, Part 2: Graphics Indirection70
Graphics indirection lets you quickly chnage the colors used in the video display and redefine Atari character set.
Chris Crawford
Local-Area Networks, Possibilities for Personal Computers92
The "one person, one computer" concept is improved with communications.
Harry J. Saal
Prepare Your Program for Publication114
A checklist of professional touches that can make software sell.
C. A. Johnson
Software Protection in the United Kingdom126
A London conference confronts the problem of software piracy.
Martin Hayman
Network Tools, Ideas for Intelligent Network Software140
A set of general modules provides a basis for networking.
Peter B. Reintjes
A Simple Implementation of Multitasking176
A little SLEEP can go a long way.
Wendell Brown
Tree Searching, Part 2: Heuristic Techniques195
Admissible algorithms allow you to find an optimal solution without an exhaustive search of the state-space tree.
Gregg Williams
Drawing with UCSD Pascal and the Hiplot Plotter214
Some UCSD plotting routines that can be linked to any Pascal program.
James Stork
Evaluate Your Home's Energy Efficiendy, Conserve Energy with Your Computer250
Use your computer to lower those budget-breaking heat bills.
Kimball Beasley
Bridging the 10-Percent Gap264
Software problems can hold back a small-business data-processing explosion.
Paul T. Brady
Graphics Fundamentals284
A company logo is the vechile for understanding windows and scaling.
Kathleen Bresnahan Sandifur
Build a Versatile Keyboard Interface for the S-100400
A device that lets you communicate with your microcomputer.
David R. Richards
PERT Organization407
A mathematical method used by computer programmers todetermine the relative importance of the taks under their supervision.
W. Douglas Maurer
Should the DO Loop Become an Assembly-Language Construct?413
Innovative instructions can forestall the "software crisis".
Glenn L. Williams
Multiple Regression for the TRS-80430
On converting the mathematics of linear regression into general-purpose BASIC program.
Douglas William Madron
Bits and Bytes in Pascal, and Other Binary Wonders448
Put UCSD Pascal through its paces to ease programming and have fun.
David Casseres
Apple Analog-to-Digital Conversion in 27 Microseconds458
Build this high-speed, 10-but analog-to-digital converter for your Apple for less than $100.
Michael A. Seeds
PS - A FORTH-Like Thread Language, Part 1462
PS allows assembly-language code and high-level code to be mixed.
Valo G. Motalygo
Atari's Telelink I86
Glen Flint
Integral Data's Paper Tiger 460378
Eliakim Willner
The Mauro Proac Plotter383
Mark Dahmke
The Radio Shack FORTRAN Package385
Tim Daneliuk
Editorial: Local Networks Are Buzzing6
Chris Morgan
System Notes: List Pager122
Alan Lovett
System Notes: Discover the Machine Beneath the Machine, A ZX80 Monitor Program278
R. Scott FitzGerald
System Notes: A Closer Look ath the TRS-80 Color Computer334
Woody Baker
System Notes: Two Short Graphics Programs for the OSI C-1P354
John F. Leahy
System Notes: Recursive Procedures for the 6502 Microprocessor467
Phillip W. Dennis
Software Received302
Books Received304
Sol Libes
Ask BYTE316
Steve Ciarcia
Event Queue323
Clubs and Newsletters332
BYTE's Bits332, 375
Industry's Eyes on New LISP Computes
Scholarship Competition Under Way
Literary Text Project
Book Reviews342
Four Roads to Understanding Radio Shack's TRS-80
The BOOK: Accessing the TRS-80 ROM
Microsoft BASIC Decoded & Other Mysteries for the TRS-80
Yvon Kolya
Programming Quickies356, 376, 419
Memory Manipulator, Eliminate Hex-a-Phobia
A Fast, Ancient Method for Multiplication
Apple Pascal Cross-Reference
Techical Forum: Use a Relative Subroutine Call for Relocatable Z80 Programs366
George S. Losey
Techical Forum: The Variable-Duty-Cycle Algorithm391
Timothy J. Stryker
Techical Forum: Dynamic Simulation in BASIC394
S. J. Houng
Languages Forum: BASIC, Pascal, or Tiny-c?372
A Simple Benchmarking Comparison.
Phil Hughes
What's New471
Unclassified Ads526
Reader Service527
BOMB, BOMB Results528

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last content update: 2004-06-19