Table of Contents
Features | |
The Atari Tutorial, Part 5: Scrolling | 26 |
Chris Crawford |
A Closer Look at the IBM Personal Computer | 36 |
Gregg Williams |
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: Analog Interfacing in the Real World | 72 |
Steve Ciarcia |
MIKBUG and the TRS-80, Part 2: A File Transfer and Debugging Package | 100 |
Robert Labenski |
User's Column: Operating Systems, Languages, Statistics, Pirates, and the Lone Wolf | 132 |
Jerry Pournelle |
Build a Joystick A-to-D Converter for the TRS-80 Model I or III, Second in a Series | 160 |
William Barden, Jr. |
Troubleshooting with Electronic Signatures | 190 |
Kenneth M. Piggott |
Memory Expansion for the ZX-80 | 216 |
Hilton K. Ernde |
An 8080-Based Remote Appliance Controller | 239 |
David C. Staehlin |
Clocked Interrupts for the COSMAC Elf | 304 |
Gary H. Price |
COSMAC EPROM Programmer | 344 |
Dan Rubis |
An Apple Talks with the Deaf | 366 |
Ned W. Rhodes |
An Effective Text-Compression Algorithm | 397 |
David Cortesi |
Structured Programming in BASIC | 410 |
Mark Sobell |
The GEOSAT Program | 420 |
Steve Emmett |
Reviews | |
Hardware Review: The RCA VP-3301 Data Terminal | 123 |
Tim Daneliuk |
System Review: SD Systems' Z80 Starter Kit | 332 |
Wayne Angevine |
Nucleus | |
Editorial: Of IBM, Operating Systems, and Rosetta Stones | 6 |
Chris Morgan |
Letters | 14 |
Technical Forum: Floppy-Disk Performance | 114 |
N. Yalirakis |
Education Forum: AC Motor Control - Simple Algorithms and and Hardware | 118 |
Jostein Nyberg |
Programming Quickies: Thirty More Days to Faster Input | 186 |
Edward M. Roberts |
Technical Forum: Analyze Audio by Visualizing | 206 |
Thomas Phillips |
System Notes: Accidental Reset Protection for the Apple II | 234 |
Greg DeWilde |
Sol Libes |
System Notes: Add a Peripheral Interface Adapter to Your Apple II | 324 |
Kenneth J. Ciszewski |
Books Received | 387 |
Event Queue | 388 |
Clubs and Newsletters | 393 |
Software Received | 394 |
Ask BYTE | 404 |
Steve Ciarcia |
Product Description: CMOS: Memory with a Future - Ideas Behind CompuPro's RAM 17 | 416 |
Craig Anderton |
Technical Forum: Z80 Starting Address - One Jump Further | 433 |
Steven Lemmen |
System Notes: SOFTIM - A Software Timer | 436 |
Dan Terpstra |
What's New | 440 |
Unclassified Ads | 494 |
Reader Service | 495 |
BOMB, BOMB Results | 496 |