Table of Contents
Foreground | |
KIMER: A KIM-1 Timer | 12 |
Robert W. Baker |
The AXIOM EX800 Printer: A User's Report | 28 |
R. J. Bosen |
The Z-80 in Parallel | 60 |
Bob Loewer |
Controlling DC Motors | 72 |
Robert L. Walton |
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: Build a Keyboard Function Decoder | 98 |
Steve Ciarcia |
A High Level Language for 8 Bit Machines | 152 |
Ted Williams |
How to Get Your Tarbell Going | 162 |
Larry Weinstein |
Background | |
Top-Down Modular Programming | 32 |
Albert D. Hearn |
Who's Afraid of Dynamic Memories | 42 |
Lane T. Hauck |
Antique Mechanical Computers, Part 1: Early Automata | 48 |
James M. Williams |
The First Ten Years of Amateur Computing | 64 |
Sol Libes |
A Short History of Computing | 84 |
Keith S. Reid-Green |
How to Choose a Microprocessor | 124 |
Louis E. Frenzel |
Nucleus | |
In This BYTE | 4 |
Editorial: Some Thoughts About Modems | 6 |
Carl Helmers |
Letters | 11 |
The Second West Coast Computer Faire | 16 |
Carl Helmers |
Clubs, Newsletters | 96 |
Languages Forum: BASIC to Assembly Language Linkage | 112 |
Pat Fitzgerald |
Technical Forum: Fooling with the Stack Pointer | 115 |
Tom Pittman |
Technical Forum: More on Varistors: A Supplier of Some Note Comments | 116 |
William G. Morris |
Book Reviews | 117 |
Instant Freeze-Dried Computer Programming in BASIC |
Jay P. Lucas |
BYTE's Bits | 118 |
Pertia Isaacson to Edit New Book Series
Heard on a BOMB Card |
BYTE's Bugs | 118 |
DeMorgan Gets Half-Bombed (February 1978)
Microbot Bug (April 1978) |
Programming Quickies: Beating North Star-MITS Incompatibility | 119 |
Alan R. Miller |
College Sports Report | 123 |
Grinnell Wins Second Midwest Regional Programming Competition |
Event Queue | 172 |
What's New? | 177 |
Unclassified Ads | 206 |
BOMB | 208 |
Reader Service | 208 |