Table of Contents
Foregeround | |
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: A Penny Pinching Address State Analyzer | 6 |
Steve Ciarcia |
Taking the First Step | 35 |
Robert E. Bober |
Simulation of Motion, Part 4: Extended Objects, Applications for Boating | 42 |
Stephen P. Smith |
Add A $3 Light Pen Video Display | 52 |
John Webster, John Young |
SWEETS for KIM: A Low Calorie Text Editor | 62 |
Dan Fylstra |
A Minifloppy Interface | 114 |
David M. Allen |
Background | |
CIE Net: A Design for a Network of Community Information Exchanges - Part 1, The Beginning | 14 |
Mike Wilber |
Some Musings on Boolean Algebra | 25 |
Dan Bunce, Art Schwartz |
Personal Computers in a Distributed Communications Networks | 80 |
Jeff Steinwedel |
The Brains of Men & Machines, Part 2: How the Brain Controls Outputs | 84 |
Ernest W. Kent |
Programming Entomology | 162 |
Gary McGath |
A Simple Digital Filter | 168 |
Robert D. Grappel |
Nucleus | |
In This BYTE | 4 |
About the Cover | 5 |
Complete ASCII | 19 |
David M. Ciemiewicz |
Letters | 20 |
Languages Forum: The Case for a "Compiler Interpreter" | 30 |
Richard Rodman |
Languages Forum: APL Character Representations | 30 |
David Sloan |
Letter from the Publisher | 60 |
BYTE's Bugs | 93 |
Entomological Archives (June 1976)
Bugged Tidbit (October 1977)
Random Errors (November 1977)
A Sligthly Sour SWEET 16 (November 1977) |
Ask BYTE | 126 |
BYTE's Bits | 127 |
The Future of Personal Computing at COMPCON 78
A Course
A Note for Robot Experimenters |
Clubs, Newsletters | 129 |
Languages Forum: Comments on APL Character Generators | 134 |
Olav Naess |
Languages Forum: Baking Baker | 135 |
Shal Farley |
Languages Forum: Reactions to Previous Comments | 159 |
Leigh Janes |
Technical Forum: Measuring Program Size | 167 |
Stefan T. Dobrowolski |
Technical Forum: Some Plotting Comments | 172 |
T. P. Roberts |
Technical Forum: A Standard for Writing Standards | 175 |
David A. Wallace |
New York Notes | 178 |
Chris Morgan |
What's New? | 182, 200 |
Classified Ads | 206 |
BOMB | 208 |
Reader Service | 208 |