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Front page

Experiments in Artificial Intelligence for Small Computers

John Krutch

first edition, first print

In English

Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1981

ISBN: 0-672-21785-6 (Wikipedia Book Sources) (Wikipedian kirjalähteet)
LCCN: 80-53270 (Library of Congress)

Artificial intelligence is the capability of device to perform functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as game playing, problem solving, reasoning, creativity, and verbal communication. Now, with the aid of this book, a small computer with extended BASIC, and some knowledge of the BASIC language, you can conduct interesting and exciting experiments in artificial intelligence.

The book begins with a general discussion of artificial intelligence, its scope, and its problem areas. A short BASIC program that involves moving a chess king on a small chessboard is used to illustrate the discussion. Game-playing programs, with a checkers-playing program as the major topic, are covered in the secod chapter. Problem solving is deealt with next, and a program to predic a human player's choices is given. Resoning in computers is tehn explained primariuly by means of a program which stores data and makes deductions from this data. Creativity is treated next, int eh form of computer poetry and computer-generated prose. Finally, natural-language processing, or verbal communication, is exemplified in the program DOCTOR, which simulates a psychiatrist's counsel. An appendix is provided to enable the reader to convert the book's Microsoft Level II BASIC to other BASIC dialects.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence and BASIC7
Chapter 2 Game-Playing Programs17
Chapter 3 Problem Solving29
Chapter 4 Programs That Reason43
Chapter 5 Computer Verse59
Chapter 6 Computer-Generated Text73
Chapter 7 Natural Language Replies85
Appendix Explanation of Special BASIC Keywords105

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