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Options PROM Manual

What is options PROM

Luxor ABC's options PROM is that part of it's ROM operating system that controls the connections to outer world. Actually it handles the behaviour of the two serial ports that all ABC's have as well as cassette port that is not included in ABC 806.

About the manual itself

The manual is in Swedish. English manuals are not exactly common since the ABC's was used almost nowhere but Sweden and Finland.

Table of Contents

  1. Allmänt
  2. "Split Speed"
  3. Parameterblockets uppbygnad
    1. Terminal eller printertyp
    2. Paritet och XON/XOFF
    3. "NUL" character
    4. Tecken per rad
    5. Perforeringsskip
    6. Formatstyrtecken för skrivare
    7. Rader per sida
    8. Överföringshastighet
    9. Sändningshastighet
    10. DCD kontrol
  4. Terminalmode
    1. Bildskärmsterminal
    2. Terminal
  5. Programexemplet
    1. Exempel på hur man sparar inkommande text på fil
    2. Exempel på hur man sänder en binär-fil
    3. Exempel på hur man sänder en textfil

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated June 14, 2000.