ADSR | Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release envelope. |
attack | Rate at which musical note reaches peak volume. |
binary | Base-2 number system. |
Boolean operators | Logical operators. |
byte | Memory location. |
CHROMA noise | Color distortion. |
CIA | Complex Interface Adapter. |
DDR | Data Direction Register. |
decay | Rate at which musical note falls from peak volume to sustain volume. |
decimal | Base-10 number system. |
e | Mathematical constant (approx. 2.71828183). |
envelope | Shape of the volume of a note over time. |
FIFO | First-In/First-Out. |
hexadecimal | Base-16 number system. |
integer | Whole number (without decimal point). |
jiffy clock | Hardware interval timer. |
NMI | Non-Maskable Interrupt. |
octal | Base-8 number system. |
operand | Parameter. |
OS | Operating System. |
pixel | Dot of resolution on the screen. |
queue | Single-file line. |
register | Special memory storage location. |
release | Rate at which a musical note fails from sustain volume to no volume. |
ROM | Read-Only Memory. |
SID | Sound Interface Device |
signed numbers | Plus or minus numbers. |
subscript | Index variable. |
sustain | Volume level for sustain of musical note. |
syntax | Programming sentence structure. |
truncated | Cut off, eliminated (not rounded). |
VIC-II | Video Interface Chip. |
video screen | Television set |