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Abbreviations, BASIC Commands, Statements, and Functions x, 29, 31, 374-375
ABS function 31, 35, 374
Accessories 335-371
Accumulator 213
ACPTR 272-274
ADC 232, 235, 254
Addition 3, 9-11, 16
Addressing 211, 215-217, 411-413
A/D/S/R 183-185, 189, 196-199
AND 232, 235, 254
AND operator 13-16, 31, 35-36, 374
Animation xiii, 153, 166
Applications xiii-xvi
Arithmetic expressions 10-12
Arithmetic operators 10-12, 16
Arrays 10-12, 44-45
ASC function 31, 37, 374
ASCII character codes 31, 38, 340, 374
ASL 232, 236, 254
Assembler 215, 218, 227, 310
ArcTaNgent function 31, 38, 374
Attack (see A/D/S/R)
Bank selection 101-102, 133
BASIC abbreviations 29, 31, 374-375
BASIC commands 31, 41, 58-60, 62, 81-82, 91
BASIC miscellaneous functions 31, 43-44, 49, 56-57, 61, 69, 70, 80, 83-85, 89
BASIC numeric functions 31-35, 37-38, 42, 46-47, 49, 83-84, 88-89
BASIC operators 3, 9-15, 31-36, 63-64, 68, 92
BASIC statements 18-26, 31, 39-55, 57, 62-67, 69-79, 86-87, 92
BASIC string functions 31, 38, 56, 61, 79, 87, 89
BASIC variables 7-26
BCC 232, 236, 254
BCS 232, 236, 254
BEQ 226-227, 232, 237, 254
Bibliography 388-390
Binary 69, 92, 108, 112, 216-217
Bit 99-148, 290, 298, 300-301, 305, 343-357, 359
BIT 232, 237, 254
Bit map mode 121-130
Bit map mode, multicolor 127-130
Bit mapping 121-130
BMI 232, 237, 254
BNE 226-227, 232, 238, 254
Boolean arithmetic 14
BPL 232, 238, 254
Branches and testing 226-227
BRK 232, 238, 254
Buffer, keyboard 93
Business aids xiii-xvi
BVC 232, 239, 254
BVS 232, 239, 254
Byte 3, 104, 108, 117-119, 124-127, 196, 213, 218-220, 222-227, 260-263, 274, 278-279, 286, 292, 299, 307,357-359
Cassette port 337, 340-342
Cassette, tape recorder xiii, 39-41, 65-67, 81-82, 91, 187, 192, 283, 294, 297, 320-320, 337-338, 340-342
Character PEEKs and POKES 104, 106, 109-111, 115, 118, 120-122, 127-130, 134-137, 150, 154-155, 159-161, 165-166
CHAREN 260-261
CHKIN 272, 275
CHKOUT 272, 276
CHRGET 272, 307-308
CHRIN 272, 277-278
CHROUT 272, 278-279
CHR$ function 24, 31, 37-38, 45, 50, 55, 75-76, 93-94, 97, 120, 156, 336-342, 374, 379-381
CINT 272, 280
CIOUT 272, 279-280
CLALL 272, 281
CLC 232, 239, 254
CLD 232, 240, 254
CLI 232, 240, 254
Clock 80, 89, 314, 320-320, 366, 406-408, 421-427, 431, 451
Clock timing diagram 406-408
CLOSE 272, 281-282
CLOSE statement 31, 39-41, 348, 354, 374
CLR statement 31, 39-40, 81, 109, 374
CLRCHN 272, 282
CLR/HOME key 220
CLV 232, 240, 254
CMD statement 31, 40-41, 374
CMP 232, 241, 254
Collision detect 144-145, 180
Color adjustment 113
Color combinations chart 152
Color memory 103
Color register 117, 120, 128, 135-136, 179
Color screen, background, border 115-119, 128, 135-137, 176, 179-180
Commands, BASIC 31-92
Commodore magazine xvii-xviii, 390
Commodore 64 memory map 310
Complement, twos 63-64
Constants, floating-point, integer, string 4-7, 46, 77-78
CONTinue command 31, 41-42, 46, 81, 86, 374
ConTRoL key 58, 72, 93-97, 171
COSine function 31, 42, 374
CP/M x, xiv, 368-371
CPX 227, 232, 241, 254
CPY 227, 232, 241, 254
Crunching BASIC programs 24-27, 156
CuRSoR keys 93-97, 336
DATASSETTETM recorder (see cassette, tape recorder)
DATA statement 26, 31, 42-43, 76-77, 111-114, 164, 169, 174, 374
DEC 232, 242, 254
Decay (see A/D/S/R)
DEFine FuNction statement 31, 43-44, 374
DELete key 71-72, 95-96
DEX 226, 232, 242, 254
DEY 226, 232, 242, 254
DiMension statement 3, 31, 44-45, 374
Direct mode 3
Division 3, 10-11
Edit mode 93-97
Editor, screen 93-97
END statement 31, 46, 79, 93, 374
Envelope generator (see A/D/S/R)
EOR 232, 243, 254
Equal, not-equal-to signs 3, 9-12
Error messages 306, 400-401
Expansion port(s) (also user port, serial port, RS-232 port), 335-371
EXPonent function 31, 46, 374
Exponentiation 5-6, 10, 12, 16
Files (cassette) 40, 50, 55, 59-60, 65-66, 75, 84-85, 91, 337-338, 340-342
Files (disk) 40, 50, 55, 59-60, 65-66, 75, 84-85, 91, 337-338, 342
Filtering 183, 189, 199-202
Fire button, joystick/paddle/lightpen 320-320, 343-348
FOR statement 20-21, 31, 39, 47-48, 62-63, 77-78, 86, 110, 155-156, 165-166, 169-171, 198-199, 309, 374
Football 45
FREE function 31, 49, 109, 374
FuNction function 31, 47, 374
Functions 31, 35, 37-38, 42, 46-47, 49, 56-57, 61, 69-70, 79-80, 83-85, 87-90, 374-375
Game controls and ports 343-348
GET statement 22-24, 31, 37, 49-50, 93, 374-375
GETIN 272, 283
GET# statement 31, 37, 50, 55, 65, 341-342, 348, 374
GOSUB statement 31, 39, 51-52, 77, 79, 85, 374
GOTO (GO TO) statement 31, 37, 48, 52-53, 64, 77, 81, 86, 374
Graphics keys xiv-xv, 70-74, 95-96, 108-114
Graphics mode xiv-xv, 99-183
Graphics mode, bit mapped 121-130
Graphics symbols (see graphics keys)
Greater than, equal to or 3, 12-13, 16
Hexadecimal notation 101, 209, 215-218
Hierarchy of operations 16
IEEE-488-interface (see serial port)
IF...THEN statement 31, 46-47, 49, 52-53, 64, 70, 86, 172-173, 180, 374
INC 232, 243, 254
Income/expense program 20-21
Indexed-indirect 224-225
Indexing 223-225
Indirect-indexed 223-224
INPUT statement 18-22, 31, 45, 53-55, 93, 374
INPUT# statement 31, 55, 75, 86, 88, 90, 374
INSerT key 72, 95-96
INTeger function 31, 56, 80, 374
Integer, arrays, constants, variables 4-5, 7-9
INX 226-227, 232, 243, 254
INY 226-227, 232, 244, 254
IOBASE 272, 284
I/O Guide 335-375
IOINIT 272, 285
I/O Pinouts 395-397
I/O Ports 214, 260, 335-375
I/O Registers 104-106, 212-214
I/O Statements 39, 50, 54-55, 65-67, 75
IRQ 308
Joysticks 343-345
JMP 228-230, 232, 244, 254, 270, 308
JSR 228-230, 232, 244, 255, 268, 270
KERNAL 2, 94, 209, 228-230, 308, 268-306, 348-358
Keyboard 93-98
Keywords, BASIC 29-92
LDA 218-220, 232, 245, 255
LDX 232, 245, 255
LDY 232, 246, 255
LEFT$ function 31, 56, 375
LENgth function 31, 57, 375
Less than, equal to or 3, 12-13, 16
LET statement 31, 57, 375
LIST command 31, 58, 375
LISTEN 272, 285
LOAD 272, 286
LOAD command 31, 59-60, 370, 375
Loading programs from tape, disk 59-60, 337-338, 340-342
LOGarithm function 31, 61, 375
Lower case characters 72-74, 105
LPX (LPY) 348
LSR 232, 246, 255
Machine language 209-320, 411-413
Mask 92
Mathematics formulas 394
Mathematical symbols 3, 6-17, 394
MEMBOT 272, 287
Memory maps 212, 262-267, 272, 310-320
Memory map, abbreviated 212
Memory reallocation 101-103
MEMTOP 272, 288
MID$ function 31, 61, 375
Modem xiii-xviii, 339-340
Modulation 183, 207-208
Multiplication 3, 10-11
Music 183-208
NEW command 18, 31, 62, 111, 117, 185, 187, 375
NEXT command 20-21, 31, 39, 47-48, 62-63, 77-78, 86, 110, 155-156, 165-166, 169-171, 198-199, 309, 375
NOP 232, 246, 255
NOT operator 13-16, 31, 63-64, 375
Note types 190
Numeric variables 7-8, 26
ON (ON...GOTO/GOSUB) statement 31, 64, 375
OPEN 272, 289
OPEN statement 31, 41, 65-67, 75-76, 85, 94, 337-339, 349-352, 375
Operating system 210-211
Operators, arithmetic 3, 9-12, 16
Operators, logical 13-16, 31-31, 35-37, 63-64, 68, 374-375
Operators, relational 3, 10-12, 16
OR operator 13-26, 31, 68, 101-102, 104, 106, 115, 118, 120, 122, 126-127, 129, 134, 136-137, 375
ORA 232, 247, 255
Parentheses 3, 8, 30, 31, 83-84, 88, 375
PEEK function 31, 69, 93, 101-102, 104, 106, 108-111, 115, 118, 120-122, 126-130, 134-137, 145, 150, 159-160, 176-177, 180, 185, 211, 361, 375
Peripherals (see I/O Guide)
PHA 232, 247, 255
PHP 232, 247, 255
Pinouts (also see I/O Pinouts), 363, 395-397
PLA 232, 248, 255
PLOT 272, 290
PLP 232, 248, 255
POKE statement 25, 31, 69-70, 94, 101-102, 104, 106, 109-111, 115-116, 118, 120-123, 126-130, 134-137, 150, 153-161, 165-166, 168-170, 172-173, 177-178, 180, 184-186, 194, 198-199, 204-205, 211, 220, 309, 361, 375-376
Ports, I/O 214, 335-375, 395-397
POSition function 31, 70, 375
Power/Play xvi, 390
PRINT statement 13-15, 18-22, 25, 31-54, 56-61, 63, 68-75, 79-80, 83-84, 87-89, 94-96, 109, 168, 171, 210, 213, 220, 375
PRINT# statement 31, 40-41, 75-76, 85, 94, 337, 340-341, 348, 353, 375
Printer xv, 338-339
Program counter 214
Program mode 3
Prompt 45
Quotation marks xi, 3, 23, 72, 95, 337
Quote mode 72-73, 95-96
RAM 49, 100-101, 104-105, 107-108, 110-111, 117, 122, 260-262, 269, 340
RAMTAS 272, 291
Random numbers 53, 80
RaNDom function 31, 43, 53, 80, 375
Raster-interrupt 131, 150-152
RDTIM 272, 291
READST 272, 292
READ statement 31, 42, 76-77, 111, 170, 309, 375
Release (see A/D/S/R)
Register map, CIA chip 428
Register map, SID chip 461
Register map, VIC chip 454-455
REMark statement 25-26, 31, 37-38, 41-42, 45-46, 50, 77-78, 93-95, 101, 118, 198-199, 338, 340, 356, 375
Reserved words (see Keywords, BASIC)
RESTOR 272, 293
RESTORE key 22, 92, 126, 353
RESTORE statement 31, 78, 375
RETURN key 3, 18, 22, 41, 50-51, 74, 93-97, 154-155, 166, 217, 220, 336-337, 370
RETURN statement 31, 51-52, 79, 85, 175, 375
ReVerSe ON, OFF keys 97
RIGHT$ function 31, 79, 375
ROL 232, 248, 255
ROM 261, 268-269
ROM, character generator 103-111, 134
ROR 232, 249, 255
RS-232C 335, 348-359
RTI 232, 249, 255, 308
RTS 232, 249, 255
RUN command 31, 40, 59, 81, 113, 154, 375
RUN/STOP key 22, 41-42, 52, 58, 86, 92, 126, 220, 353
SAVE 272, 294
SAVE command 31, 81-82, 375
SBC 232, 250, 255
SCNKEY 272, 295
SCREEN 272, 295-296
Screen editor 2, 94-97, 211
Screen memory 102-103
Scrolling 128-130, 166
SEC 232, 250, 255
SECOND 272, 296
SED 232, 250, 255
SEI 232, 251, 255
Serial port (IEEE-488) 262, 320, 320, 362-366, 432-433
SETLFS 272, 297
SETMSG 272, 298
SETNAM 272, 299
SETTIM 272, 299-300
SETTMO 272, 300-301
SGN function 31, 83, 109, 375
SHIFT key 4, 30, 72, 74, 94, 96-97, 168, 220
SID chip programming xiv, 183-208
SID chip specifications 457-481
SID chip memory map 223-320
SiNe function 31, 83, 375
Sound waves 186-187, 192-196
SPaCe function 27, 31, 83-84, 336, 375
Sprites x, xiv, 99-100, 131-148, 153-182
Sprite display priorities 144, 161, 179
Sprite positioning 137-143, 157-161, 177
SQuare Root function 31, 84, 375
STA 221, 232, 251, 255
Stack pointer 214, 222
STATUS function 31, 84-85, 354, 375
Status register 214, 354
STEP keyword, (see FOR...TO) 31, 86
STOP 272, 301-302
STOP command 31, 41, 86, 375
STOP key (see RUN/STOP key)
String arrays, constants, variables 4, 6-9
String expressions 3, 17
String operators 3, 16-17
STR$ function 31, 87, 375
STX 232, 251, 255
STY 232, 252, 255
Subroutines 222, 228-229, 270, 307
Subtraction 3, 10-11, 16
Sustain (see A/D/S/R)
SYS statement 31, 87, 121, 307, 375
TAB function 27, 31, 45, 88, 336, 375
TANgent function 31, 88, 375
TALK 272, 302
TAX 232, 252, 255
TAY 232, 252, 255
THEN keyword (see IF...THEN), 31
TIME function 31, 89, 375
TIME$ function 31, 89, 375
TKSA 272, 302-303
TO keyword (see FOR...TO), 31
TSX 232, 253, 255
TXA 229, 232, 253, 255
TXS 232, 253, 255
TYA 229, 232, 253, 255
UDTIM 272, 303
UNLSN 272, 304
UNTLK 272, 304
User port 355, 359-362
USR function 31, 90, 307, 375
VALue function 31, 90, 375
VECTOR 272, 305-306
VERIFY command 31, 91, 375
Vibrato 203
Voices 187-191
Volume control, SID 186
WAIT statement 13-14, 31, 92, 375
XOR, (see WAIT statement) 13-14
X-index register 213, 223-224
Y-index register 214, 223-224
Z-80 (see CP/M)
Zero page 221-222, 358-359

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated March 26, 2003.