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Type Name Range
Real XY ±1.70141183E+38
Integer XY% ±32767
String XY$ 0 to 255 characters

X is a letter (A-Z), Y is a letter or number (0-9). Variable names can be more than 2 characters, but only the first two are recognized.


Type Name
Single Dimension XY(5)
Two-Dimension XY(5,5)
Three-Dimension XY(5,5,5)

Arrays of up to eleven elements (subscripts 0-10) can be used where needed. Arrays with more than eleven elements need to be DIMensioned.


= Assigns value to variable
- Negation
^ Exponentiation
* Multiplication
/ Division
+ Addition
- Substraction


= Equal
<> Not Equal To
< Less Than
> Greater Than
<= Less Than or Equal To
>= Greater Than or Equal To
NOT Logical "Not"
AND Logical "And"
OR Logical "Or"
Expression equals 1 if true, 0 if false


LOAD"NAME" Loads a program from tape
SAVE"NAME" Saves a program on tape
LOAD"NAME",8 Loads a program from disk
SAVE"NAME",8 Saves a program to disk
VERIFY"NAME" Verifies that program was SAVEd without errors
RUN Executes a program
RUN xxx Executes program starting at line xxx
STOP Halts execution
END Ends execution
CONT Continues program execution from line where program was halted
PEEK(X) Returns contents of memory location X
POKE X,Y Changes contents of location X to value Y
SYS xxxxx Jumps to execute a machine language program, starting at xxxxx
WAIT X,Y,Z Program waits until contents of location X, when EORed with Z and ANDed with Y, is nonzero.
USR(X) Passes value of X to a machine language subroutine.


LIST Lists entire program
LIST A-B Lists from line A to line B
REM Message Comment message can be listed but is ignored during program execution
TAB(X) Used in PRINT statement. Spaces X positions on screen
SPC(X) PRINTs X blanks on line
POS(X) Returns current cursor position
CLR/HOME Positions cursor to left corner of screen
SHIFT+CLR/HOME Clears screen and places cursor in "Home" position
SHIFT+INST/DEL Inserts space at current cursor position
INST/DEL Deletes character at current cursor position
CTRL When used with numeric color key, selects text color. May be used in PRINT statement.
CRSR keys Moves cursor up, down, left, right on screen
Commodore Key When used with SHIFT selects between upper/lower case and graphic display mode. When used with numeric color key, selects optional text color


DIM A(X,Y,Z) Sets maximum subscripts for A; reserves space for (X+1)*(Y+1)*(Z+1) elements starting at A(0,0,0)
LEN(X$) Returns number of characters in X$
STR$(X) Returns numeric value of X, converted to a string
VAL(X$) Returns numeric value of X$, up to first non-numeric character
CHR$(X) Returns ASCII character whose code is X
ASC(X$) Returns ASCII code for first character of X$
LEFT$(A$,X) Returns leftmost X characters of A$
RIGHT$(A$,X) Returns rightmost X characters of A$
MID$(A$,X,Y) Returns Y characters of A$ starting at character X


INPUT A$ or A PRINTs "?" on screen and waits for user to enter a string or value
INPUT "ABC";A PRINTs message and waits for user to enter value. Can also INPUT A$
GET A$ or A Waits for user to type one-character value; no RETURN needed
DATA A,"B",C Initializes a set of values that can be used by READ statement
READ A$ or A Assigns next DATA value to A$ or A
RESTORE Resets data pointer to start READing the DATA list again
PRINT"A= ";A PRINTs string "A=" and value of A ";" suppresses spaces - "," tabs data to next field


GOTO X Branches to line X
IF A=1 TO 10 IF assertion is true THEN execute following part of statement. IF false, execute next line number
FOR A=1 TO 10 STEP 2 Executes all statements between FOR and corresponding NEXT, with A going from 1 to 10 by 2. Step size is 1 unless specified
NEXT A Defines end of loop. A is optional
GOSUB 2000 Branches to subtoutine starting at line 2000
RETURN Marks end of subroutine. Returns to statement following most recent GOSUB
ON X GOTO A,B Branches to Xth line number on list. If X=1 branches to A, etc.
ON X GOSUB A,B Branches to subroutine at Xth line number in list

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated December 09, 2002.