What you can do with this book is to find a considerable amount of
valuable programming reference information written in easy to read, plain
English with the programmer's jargon explained. On the other hand the
programming professional will find all the information needed to use the
capabilities of the COMMODORE 64 effectively.
- Our complete "BASIC dictionary" includes Commodore BASIC language
commands, statements and functions listed in alphabetical order.
We've created a "quick list" which contains all the words and their
abbreviations. This is followed by a section containing a more
detailed definition of each word along with sample BASIC programs
to illustrate how they work.
- If you need an introduction to using machine language with BASIC
programs our layman's overview will get you started.
- A powerful feature of all Commodore computers is called the KERNAL.
It helps insure that the programs you write today can also be used
on your Commodore computer of tomorrow.
- The Input/Output Programming section gives you the opportunity to
use your computer to the limit. It describes how to hook-up and use
everything from lightpens and joysticks to disk drives, printers,
and telecommunication devices called modems.
- You can explore the world of SPRITES, programmable characters, and
high resolution graphics for the most detailed and advanced animated
pictures in the microcomputer industry.
- You can also enter the world of music synthesis and create your own
songs and sound effects with the best built-in synthesizer available
in any personal computer.
- If you're an experienced programmer, the soft load language section
gives you information about the COMMODORE 64's ability to run CP/M*
and high level languages. This is in addition to BASIC.
useful tool to help you and you will enjoy the -hours of programming ahead
of you.
* CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc.