Throughout this manual certain conventional notations are used to
describe the syntax (programming sentence structure) of BASIC commands or
statements and to show both the required and optional parts of each BASIC
keyword. The rules to use for interpreting statement syntax are as
- BASIC keywords are shown in capital letters. They must appear where
shown in the statement, entered and spelled exactly as shown.
- Items shown within quotation marks (" ") indicate variable data
which you must put in. Both the quotation marks and the data inside
the quotes must appear where shown in each statement.
- Items inside the square brackets ([ ]) indicate an optional
statement parameter. A parameter is a limitation or additional
qualifier for your statements. If you use an optional parameter you
must supply the data for that optional parameter. In addition,
ellipses (...) show that an optional item can be repeated as many
times as a programming line allows.
- If an item in the square brackets ([ ]) is UNDERLINED, that means
that you MUST use those certain characters in the optional
parameters, and they also have to be spelled exactly as shown. 5.
Items inside angle brackets (< >) indicate variable data which you
provide. While the slash (/) indicates that you must make a choice
between two mutually exclusive options.
OPEN <file-num>,<device>[,<address>],["<drive>:<filename>][,<mode>]"
10 OPEN 2,8,6,"0:STOCK FOLIO,S,W"
30 OPEN 3,4
When you actually apply the syntax conventions in a practical situation,
the sequence of parameters in your statements might not be exactly the
same as the sequence shown in syntax examples. The examples are not meant
to show every possible sequence. They are intended to present all
required and optional parameters.