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Volume 2, issue 5 (May, 1977)

Table of Contents
A Catalog of Liberating Home Computer Concepts17
Ted M. Lau
System Description: The Apple II34
Stephen Wozniak
Interfacing with an Analog World - Part 156
Joseph J. Carr
What's in a Floating Point Package?62
Sheldon Linker
A Guide to Baudot Machines: Part 2, Interfacing Techniques98
Michael S. McNatt
All This Just to Print a Quatation Mark?132
David Chapman
8080 Programming Notes136
Paul Krystosek, John McCarty
Artificial Intelligence, An Evolutionary Idea, Part 1: An Overview26
Mike Wimble
Come Upstairs and Be Respectable50
Steve Ciarcia
Using a Keyboard ROM76
Bob Brehm
Implementing The Tiny Assembler84
Jack Emmerichs
In This BYTE4
Editorial: Surveying the Field6
Carl Helmers
What's New?46, 121, 143
A New Low for Paper Tape Reader Prices (RAECO TPR-1)
Zilog's Z-80A at 4 MHz
Want Megabyte Megalomania? (National Computer Systems Model 5200 Carousel tape catridge)
RCA Has Just Published a New Product Guide to Its CMOS-B Series of Integrated Circuits (COS-278F)
Expansion of Capacity (Texas Instruments SR-60)
TARGET (Altair Program Library)
Monitoring What Goes On in Your Computer (Pickels and Trout)
An 8080 with FORTRAN Options (Realistic Controls Corporation Z//100 Series)
A Hardware Simulator That's the Real Thing (RHS Marketing)
Intercept This General Purpose System (Intersil Inc. 6970-IFDOS)
What's the Inverse of a Clockwise Wrap? A Counter Clockwise Unwrap at the Other End of the Shaft (The Vector Electronic Co. P160-AR)
Microprogramming - The Gory Details (Serious Homebrewers Take Note) (AMD The Microprogramming Handbook)
Want UV Light Sources for Erasing EPROMs? (Ultra-Violet Products Inc.)
Programmable Calculators at Work (Texas Instruments SR-52)
Forget About Multiple Output Power Supplies for Your Homebrew 8080... (Reliability Inc. Model 3W 5 R12-5)
Here's Interesting Use of an 8080 (Teknekron Inc.)
Whant an LSI-11 in a Desk? (Digital Equipment Corp. DEC Datasystems 320 series)
Here's an Umbilical Cord for Your Microprocessor... (AP Products)
Here's a Neat Concept - For Hard Surface Disk Users with Butterfingers (Media Recovery Inc. Shockwatch)
Here's an Intereseting Front Panel Concenpt (Electronic Product Associates Inc. DataCacher)
The OPUS/ONE Language...Continued (Administrative Systems Inc.)
Keep Track of Real TIme Now (What Other Kind of Time is There?) (TED)
Cambion Patch Cords...and Things (XQ line)
A New Desk Top Video Computer (Computer Data Systems' The Versatile CRT)
Why Is This Fellow Smiling? (Computer Kits Inc.)
A Southwest Technical Products Coverup, Revealed... (Parsec Electronics SWTPC CT-1024 Terminal System)
Technical Forum68, 142
The 8080 High Level Language Project of Peter Skye, Continued
More Comments on PDP-8s (Or, "Over the Hill" Means "Worth Looking At")
Improving Qadratic Rehash
BYTE's Bits116, 127, 152
Quick and Simple Pot Input Method
Don't Miss the MACC Computerfest 77
Unbelievable, but It Worked... Demostration of the Kugehorn at an NECS meeting...
A Note on Omega
Learn About and Take Home a Micro
New ASCII Standards117
Classified Ads120
BYTE's Bugs128
Errors in MIKBUG Roadmap, BYTE February 1977
Solution to 8080 Bug in Stack145
Answer to Bar Code Puzzle145
Book Reviews146
Content Addressable Parallel Processors
J. Storrs Hall
Ask BYTE148
Clubs, Newsletters156
Reader Service176

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last content update: 2003-06-29