Table of Contents
Foreground | |
A Catalog of Liberating Home Computer Concepts | 17 |
Ted M. Lau |
System Description: The Apple II | 34 |
Stephen Wozniak |
Interfacing with an Analog World - Part 1 | 56 |
Joseph J. Carr |
What's in a Floating Point Package? | 62 |
Sheldon Linker |
A Guide to Baudot Machines: Part 2, Interfacing Techniques | 98 |
Michael S. McNatt |
All This Just to Print a Quatation Mark? | 132 |
David Chapman |
8080 Programming Notes | 136 |
Paul Krystosek, John McCarty |
Background | |
Artificial Intelligence, An Evolutionary Idea, Part 1: An Overview | 26 |
Mike Wimble |
Come Upstairs and Be Respectable | 50 |
Steve Ciarcia |
Using a Keyboard ROM | 76 |
Bob Brehm |
Implementing The Tiny Assembler | 84 |
Jack Emmerichs |
Nucleus | |
In This BYTE | 4 |
Editorial: Surveying the Field | 6 |
Carl Helmers |
Letters | 10 |
What's New? | 46, 121, 143 |
A New Low for Paper Tape Reader Prices (RAECO TPR-1)
Zilog's Z-80A at 4 MHz
Want Megabyte Megalomania? (National Computer Systems Model 5200 Carousel tape catridge)
RCA Has Just Published a New Product Guide to Its CMOS-B Series of Integrated Circuits (COS-278F)
Expansion of Capacity (Texas Instruments SR-60)
TARGET (Altair Program Library)
Monitoring What Goes On in Your Computer (Pickels and Trout)
An 8080 with FORTRAN Options (Realistic Controls Corporation Z//100 Series)
A Hardware Simulator That's the Real Thing (RHS Marketing)
Intercept This General Purpose System (Intersil Inc. 6970-IFDOS)
What's the Inverse of a Clockwise Wrap? A Counter Clockwise Unwrap at the Other End of the Shaft (The Vector Electronic Co. P160-AR)
Microprogramming - The Gory Details (Serious Homebrewers Take Note) (AMD The Microprogramming Handbook)
Want UV Light Sources for Erasing EPROMs? (Ultra-Violet Products Inc.)
Programmable Calculators at Work (Texas Instruments SR-52)
Forget About Multiple Output Power Supplies for Your Homebrew 8080... (Reliability Inc. Model 3W 5 R12-5)
Here's Interesting Use of an 8080 (Teknekron Inc.)
Whant an LSI-11 in a Desk? (Digital Equipment Corp. DEC Datasystems 320 series)
Here's an Umbilical Cord for Your Microprocessor... (AP Products)
Here's a Neat Concept - For Hard Surface Disk Users with Butterfingers (Media Recovery Inc. Shockwatch)
Here's an Intereseting Front Panel Concenpt (Electronic Product Associates Inc. DataCacher)
The OPUS/ONE Language...Continued (Administrative Systems Inc.)
Keep Track of Real TIme Now (What Other Kind of Time is There?) (TED)
Cambion Patch Cords...and Things (XQ line)
A New Desk Top Video Computer (Computer Data Systems' The Versatile CRT)
Why Is This Fellow Smiling? (Computer Kits Inc.)
A Southwest Technical Products Coverup, Revealed... (Parsec Electronics SWTPC CT-1024 Terminal System) |
Technical Forum | 68, 142 |
The 8080 High Level Language Project of Peter Skye, Continued
More Comments on PDP-8s (Or, "Over the Hill" Means "Worth Looking At")
Improving Qadratic Rehash |
BYTE's Bits | 116, 127, 152 |
Quick and Simple Pot Input Method
Don't Miss the MACC Computerfest 77
Unbelievable, but It Worked... Demostration of the Kugehorn at an NECS meeting...
A Note on Omega
Learn About and Take Home a Micro |
New ASCII Standards | 117 |
Classified Ads | 120 |
BYTE's Bugs | 128 |
Errors in MIKBUG Roadmap, BYTE February 1977 |
Solution to 8080 Bug in Stack | 145 |
Answer to Bar Code Puzzle | 145 |
Book Reviews | 146 |
Content Addressable Parallel Processors |
J. Storrs Hall |
Ask BYTE | 148 |
Clubs, Newsletters | 156 |
BOMB | 176 |
Reader Service | 176 |