Table of Contents
Foreground | |
SCORTOS: Implementation of a Music Language | 12 |
Hal Taylor |
Control the World! (Or at Least a Few Analog Ports) | 30 |
Steve Ciarcia |
A Sampling of Techniques for Computer Performance of Music | 62 |
Hal Chamberlin |
Tune in with Some Chips | 84 |
Ted B. Sierad |
An APL Interpreter for Microcomputers, Part 2: Evaluation Expression | 126 |
Mike Wimble |
Background | |
A New Dress for KIM | 26 |
R Travis Atkins |
Expanding the Tiny Assembler | 44 |
Increasing Function without Building More Memory |
Jack Emmerichs |
One-Sided View of Wire Wrap Socket | 54 |
Ira Jay Rampil |
System Description: The Noval 760 | 102 |
This is the designer's view of a new product which represents one of the most complete ready to run computer packages seen to date. Introduced with a 4 page advertisement in June 1977 BYTE, this manufacturer's product description provides some more detailed information for readers' inspection and evaluation. |
Lane T. Hauck, James D. Nash |
Notes on Interfacing Pneumatic Player Pianos | 112 |
Carl Helmers |
Notes on anatomy: The Piano's Reproductive System | 122 |
Chris Morgan |
Walsh Functions: A Digital Fourier Series | 190 |
Benjamin Franklin Jacoby |
Nucleus | |
In This BYTE | 4 |
Editorial: Reflections on Entry into Our Third Year | 6 |
Carl Helmers |
Letters | 8 |
Aphanumeric Music | 25 |
Product Description: Recognition for Heuristics SpeechLab | 50 |
Rick Parfitt |
Technical Forum: Personal Computer Network | 59 |
Dan Fylstra |
Technical Forum: Adding New Transcendentals to Limited BASICs | 61 |
Vince A. Sempronio |
Technical Forum: On Finite State Machines and Their Uses | 184 |
Gerald Owens |
Technical Forum: Comments on Floating Point Representation | 185 |
R. A. Baker |
Ask BYTE | 97 |
What's New? | 110, 210, 216 |
Microsoft Announces 8080 FORTRAN IV Compiler (FORTRAN-80)
A New Catalog from E & L Instruments (The Complete Bugworks Catalog)
How to Sell Your Product (Schoonmaker Associates' The Handbook on Marketing for Electrical Engineers)
Prototype Cards for SWTPC 6800 Bus (Personal Computing Company)
Computer Warehouse Store Catalog
A Self Refreshing 4 Channel Digital to Analog Converter (Pinnacle Products)
The Noval 760 Operating Manual
A New Wire Dispenser-Stripper for Wire Wrap and Other Applications (OK Machine and Tool Company)
Data General Enters the Personal Computer Market (Micro-NOVA)
Digital Equipment's Comments on the Heathkit H11
A time Kit for HP-45 Owners (Egbert Electronics)
A New Bar Code Reader (Jeffersonville Engineering Co.)
A New Chip on the Block (SMC Microsystems CRT 5027 Video Timer-Controller)
New Printer Features Novel Printing Technique (Axiom Corp. EX-800)
Bell & Howell Offers New Microprocessor Course
New Learn-at-Home Electronic Circuits Course from Heath (EE-3104)
Cassette Terminal Interface for SwTPC 68000 Operates at 120 bps (PerCom Data Company CIS-30+)
A New Analog Multiplier Series (Analog Devices AD534)
Mini-L Loran-C Receiver Announced (R W Burhans)
Get Some Pizza Mind (FasFax Corp. MARK III Big Stan)
Small Business Software from Syncro-Sound
A New Smart Terminal from Conomy Terminals (Model ET1)
A Most Useful Catalog (Minicomputer Accessories) |
BYTE's Bits | 166, 200 |
International Symposium on Microcomputers, Personal and Home Computers
Dr Iverson's "Thought Experiment" Answered
TSC's Software Catalog...
Personal Computing Expo Sets Inaugural NY Show for October 28 thru 30
Computer Shack is Reborn (as "Computerland")
Some Candid Photos Shot in Benton Harbor
NYU Conference; Cash Grants Offered for Surveys of Progress in Robotics
Signs of Maturity?
Houston Personal Computing Faire |
BYTE's Bugs | 172 |
Super Bug #1: Jeu de NIM, Peut Etre?, BYTE July 1977
Blackjack Bug: SR-52 Card BLACKJACK, BYTE June 1977
A Sour Note in "Sweet Auto Line", BYTE February 1977 |
Clubs, Newsletters | 186 |
Book Reviews | 202 |
Dan Fylstra |
Classfied Ads | 222 |
BOMB | 224 |
Reader Service | 224 |