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W. Douglas Maurer


Magazine articles
BYTEIssue 11 (July, 1976)Software Bug of the Month 2
 Issue 12 (August, 1976)Software Bug of the Month 3
 Issue 13 (September, 1976)Software Bug of the Month 4
 Issue 14 (October, 1976)Software Bug of the Month 5
 Issue 16 (December, 1976)Software Bug of the Month 6
 Volume 2, issue 1 (January, 1977)Software Bug of the Month: Answer to Software Bug 6
 Volume 2, issue 7 (July, 1977)How to Pick Up a Dropped Bit
 Volume 2, issue 8 (August, 1977)Processing Logical Expressions
 Volume 3, issue 12 (December, 1978)FORTRAN and Its Generalization
 Volume 4, issue 10 (October, 1979)Variables Whose Values Are Strings
 Volume 4, issue 11 (November, 1979)Alpha-Beta Pruning
 Volume 6, issue 10 (October, 1981)PERT Organization
 Volume 8, issue 6 (June, 1983)AVL Trees

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